
Hidden Respiratory Dangers in the Workplace

There are also certain chores or jobs that can greatly affect our Respiratory Health. We have provided examples of these jobs below. Keep scrolling and you’ll know!

Top 3 Common Jobs that
Greatly Affects Your Respiratory Health

  1. Construction

Construction workers put their lives in danger by lifting heavy pieces of metals and rocks, and by working 100 feet – maybe even more – above the ground. What you don’t know is that their health is also at risk when doing this job.

While constructing or demolishing buildings, construction workers can be exposed to asbestos, which is used as a lining or protection around pipes or in floor tiles. Exposure to this kind of mineral is hazardous to our health and can lead to a type of cancer called mesothelioma. Exposure can also lead to asbestosis, which is a lung disease that causes lung scarring.

To avoid danger, listen to instructions and avoid asbestos by knowing its location.

  1. Bartending and Waitressing

Bartenders and waiters/waitresses mostly stand and take orders, and clean plates and glasses. Sounds easy, right? But what we don’t notice is that while they are doing these things, second hand smoke coming from customers’ cigarettes might affect their respiratory health.

Second hand smoking is just as dangerous as first-hand smoking. Workers may not inhale the smoke from the cigarette itself, but they can still inhale the smoke that was exhaled by a smoker. It leads to lung cancer and serves as a threat to workers who works at restaurants or bars where smoking is not banned.

The best way to stay healthy with this kind of job is to take care of yourself and start regular check-ups with your doctor. If that don’t work, then it’s time to find another job!

  1. Housekeeping and Cleaning

If you think housekeeping is the safest job there is, then you are wrong. Cleaning might be beneficial for our house and our health, but it is best if we do not forget that some – if not all – cleaning supplies can also be harmful for our health.

Chemicals which can be found in cleaning materials can be harmful and can cause asthma. They are said to be reactive chemicals and can react to dirt and our lung tissues. There are some that contains volatile organic compounds which may lead to various chronic respiratory problems and allergic reactions.

To ensure safety, read instructions and labels first before using these products, and make sure to keep the area well-ventilated before cleaning.