
Foods for Respiratory Health

Even though food does not directly affect the respiratory system, it is indirectly affected by our overall health through what we eat. For instance, a person who has an unhealthy diet is at greater risk of having lung cancer than those who have healthy meals. Nonetheless, eating a certain kind of food may help in keeping our respiratory system healthy. Here are some examples:

WATER: Water plays a huge role in health for it is the base of your body’s cleansing action. It keeps the mucus of the airways on the right consistency in order for it to remove toxins, microbes, and pollutants out of the body. By doing this, your overall breathing process will be less susceptible from respiratory problems.

GARLIC: Aside from being well-known to enhance the flavor of food, garlic can also have potential benefits to your overall health. Specifically, its antibacterial and antiviral properties boost the immune system’s ability to defend the respiratory system against specific bacterial or viral infection.

ONION: Onion has anti-inflammatory property that helps fight inflammation so it beneficial against asthma. It can also protect the lining of your lungs from damage caused by pollution.

GINGER: Ginger also has anti-inflammatory properties that removes pollutants out of your body.

CHILI PEPPERS: The spicy flavor present in chili peppers improves blood flow, stimulates mucus membranes, and fights infection in your body.

CRUCIFEROUS VEGETABLES: Cruciferous vegetables like cabbage, cauliflower, and broccoli can limit the risk and progression of cancer in lungs. Conversely, people with COPD should limit or avoid these vegetables because it may cause excess gas and bloating that will make breathing hard for them.

POMEGRANATES: Pomegranate also slows the growth of tumors in lungs for it contains antioxidants that is now gaining strides in cancer research.

TURMERIC: Not only is turmeric related to ginger with its anti-inflammatory properties but It also a compound that encourages the self-destruction of cancer cells.

APPLE: Apple is a rich source of antioxidant that provides protection from pollutants and inflammatory particle present in the atmosphere. Also, it improves resistance and improved detoxification of those pollutants.

GRAPEFRUIT: Grapefruit has a certain compound that inhibits the activation of a cancer causing enzyme. Furthermore, it is good for cleansing the lungs after quitting smoking.

BEANS, SEEDS, AND NUTS: Beans, seeds, and nuts all contain rich amounts of magnesium, a mineral that contributes to a healthy lung function by relaxing the airway muscles to make more air get through.

ORANGES: Citrus is rich in vitamins that help the lungs transfer oxygen.

FATTY FISH: Fatty fish such as salmon contains high level of omega-3 fatty acid that helps in reducing inflammations in your body