
Dangers in Respiratory Health

You might not know this, but so many things in our environment affects our health, specifically, our Respiratory Health. You might think that these things are good for your well-being – maybe they are – but, are they good for your health? And that, is what you are not sure of.

So, that is why we are here! Not to demand you to stop what you are doing, but to warn you of the possible things that might happen to your Respiratory health by doing these actions, and to remind you to take care of your health while doing them.

Risk Factors in Respiratory Health

  1. Smoking

Every cigarette you take is a step closer to your grave, you must always remember this when smoking or attempting to smoke.

Smoking is never a good news for your health. It can badly affect your lungs and can cause fatal diseases such as pneumonia, emphysema and lung cancer.

If you start to experience coughs, colds, wheezing and asthma, you might want to stop smoking. Don’t forget, quitting now is the best option there is!

  1. Air Pollution

Air Pollution is one of the common causes when it comes to respiratory health. There are various sources of air pollution that causes individual effects to our respiratory health.

There are two types of air pollution that may cause damage to our health; the indoor air pollution and outdoor air pollution. The indoor air pollution causes more damage than the outdoor air pollution, since chemicals are released in closer proximity than those in the outdoor air pollution.

Examples of air pollutants that has serious impact in our respiratory health are tobacco smoke, volatile organic compounds, and biological pollutants which causes asthma, irritation in the throat, and allergic diseases.

  1. Family history

It may be usually overlooked, but most respiratory diseases are hereditary. It can be passed down from one family member to another.

It is one of the strongest influences when developing lung diseases such as asthma. To avoid inheriting these diseases, the best solution is to learn more about your family history and to attend regular check-ups with your doctor.